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Myths About AC Efficiency DEBUNKED

April 26, 2016

Common AC Myths Debunked

It’s easy to be misled when it comes to saving energy with our air conditioning systems. Many people are unaware of how air conditioners work and how to save on utility costs but worry no longer! We’ve created a list of the 5 most common myths associated with saving money and energy while running your central air conditioning system. The answers to debunk these myths should shed some light on how to lower your energy bill.

Myth 1: Purchasing an energy-efficient A/C system will automatically save money on utility bills.

This is not technically true, there are many factors that contribute to this being a myth. If your unit is not correctly sized for your home then it will not help the efficiency. All of the new air conditioning systems are marked as “energy efficient” but if your unit is too large for your house it can end up costing you more. A unit that is too big for your house will cycle on and off repeatedly causing wear and tear on the unit. Not only does this cost you money but it also shortens the lifespan of your unit.

save money on energy

Myth 2: Closing vents in unused rooms will boost efficiency.

One of the most commonly believed air conditioning efficiency myths is that closing register vents in specific rooms will cool down the other rooms quicker. This is false thinking, and here is why. Energy has already been used to flow the cool air through the ducts, and by closing the register vent the cool air gets trapped inside of the ducts. A properly sized system is designed to cool an entire home, so leave those vents open! If you want to close off specific sections of your room to keep cooler consider a zoned cooling system. This system uses multiple thermostats allowing you to control the temperature by room.

closed air vent

Myth 3: Turning off your A/C while you are away saves energy.

If you turn your air conditioner off when you leave the house it will cause your house to get warmer. This will ultimately end up costing you more to cool the house back down than leaving it on while you were away. The best thing you can do when leaving the house is turning your thermostat up 10 degrees instead of turning it off. Humidity can cause your home to feel much hotter, by leaving your system on you can still control the humidity levels, cooling your home down quicker. If you want your home to be comfortable each time you return home consider a programmable thermostat.

thermostat off

Myth 4: Dropping the thermostat setting extra low will cool your house faster.

This is one of the most commonly thought myths that we really need to debunk. There are two main reasons people should not be setting their thermostat to arctic temperatures. The first reason is that the warm air inside of your system cannot be moved past a set speed. By setting the thermostat low you’re only wasting energy trying to move the air handler that has a set speed.

Another risk that you pose on your system when setting your thermostat too low is freezing the components inside of it. If the components like the external evaporator coil accumulates ice or the internal system has too much moisture you could cause your air conditioning unit to malfunction.

Myth 5: Leaving a ceiling fan on when you leave a room will keep it cool.

This myth can be a little confusing but ceiling fans don’t actually lower a room’s temperature. Ceiling fans create a breeze that feels cool when it comes into contact with your skin, cooling down you and not the room. Running a ceiling fan in an empty room is a huge waste of energy. Leaving a ceiling fan on while you’re in the room will cool you down without having to lower the thermostat.

ceiling fan

Want to Keep Your AC Running Smooth All Summer Long?

One of the best ways to keep your AC efficient is to keep it maintained. Here are some common AC maintenance tips you can do yourself to keep your system running great!

If your AC isn’t working right or you’re worried it’s not running as efficiently as it could be, give Superior Water and Air a call for an AC tune-up!