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Best Types of Water Filtration in the Office

July 28, 2014

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Filtered, purified water gives a superior clean taste and a more refreshing drinking experience. Too often the water we get at work is an inferior variety–unpurified and poor tasting. In addition to its purer taste, filtered, or reverse osmosis purified water contains fewer contaminants and is generally better to drink. Having the benefit of a reverse osmosis system or other filtration system at work is a major benefit to the office as a whole since everyone will be enjoying some of the cleanest water available. There is no reason why workers in the office should be denied the joy of pure, filtered, or reverse osmosis water during the work day. Staying hydrated is extremely important and the best way to ensure proper hydration is through tasty, filtered water. Here are a couple of the easiest ways to get pure, filtered water in the workplace.


Reverse Osmosis Systems

The process of filtering and purifying water through reverse osmosis involves a semi-permeable membrane that catches and filters anything larger than a water molecule. This is a highly effective filtering and purification system, but must be properly installed to effectively work. Like any other filtration system, it is impossible to remove all contaminants from the water, but the membranes in reverse osmosis systems are very effective at keeping out harmful bacteria, many minerals, and other contaminants larger than water molecules. Holes, tears, or other defects in the membrane, however, can allow bacteria through into the water. Reverse osmosis systems require a decent amount of maintenance–especially with sustained use–as membranes can easily become clogged over time. The system also wastes a lot of water in the filtration process.


Faucet Filters

These filters are cheaper and easier to install than a full reverse osmosis system and provide cleaner, purer water than the water you get right out of the tap. Installed on the tap of the faucet, these filters purify water as it flows from the tap. These filters typically utilize fibers, fabrics, or ceramic screens to remove contaminants. Some filters even use active carbon to trap contaminants as they flow from the faucet. These filters often wear out quickly and have varying effectiveness in removing bacteria and contaminants from the water, so make sure that you get a quality brand. Attachable faucet filters and pitcher filters both have about the same effectiveness in filtering tap water, but for the office setting a faucet filter may be the most efficient option of the two. Of course, if more comprehensive purified water is the goal, a reverse osmosis system is the way to go.